Applied Meteorology Resources


Current Weather Links

RAP Real-time Weather Data
MRMS product viewer
Flagstaff NWS
Prescott Forecast
CSU GOES-16 Imagery
College of Du Page forecast maps
Plymouth State University
University of Wyoming Weather
Clickable map for weather tables
NWS Storm Prediction Center
National Hurricane Center
CDC Sea Surface Temperatures
Global winds

ERAU Weather stations

Current RC field weather conditions
  - Today's graph  Yesterday  Week
  - Current month  Past month
  - Current year     Past year

Current AC 1 rooftop weather
  - Today's graph  Yesterday  Week
  - Current month  Past month
  - Current year     Past year

Current Humboldt weather
  - Today's graph  Yesterday  Week
  - Current month  Past month
  - Current year     Past year


Unique Visitors: 846

Climate Links

The Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
The Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC)
Western Regional Climate Center
CDC Sea Surface Temperatures

Convective Indices

Overview of Convective Indices
Explanation and use of Convective Indices (good site)
Convective Indices, with verification statistics and references
Excellent training links for convection and other forecasting topics

Sources of Archived Weather Data

NOAA data archives
UCAR archives from 1996 - upper air, surface, satellite, radar & SPC
Plymouth State U data
U. of Wyoming data

Miscellaneous AMET Resources

American Meteorological Society (AMS)
AMS Journals Online
Aviation Weather Services Advisory Circular 00-45H
BSAMET Writing Guide
AMS Word Template
2021-22 AMET degree Flowcharts
2020-21 AMET degree Flowcharts
2019-20 AMET degree Flowcharts
2018-19 AMET degree Flowcharts
2017-18 AMET degree Flowcharts

Community Resources

Training Guide in Surface Weather Observations
ERAU Cloud Atlas
Common unit conversions
Standard Atmosphere Calculator
What is air? (link requested by 6th grade, Lexington Middle School
Storm spotting from home (link suggested by Liam)
Tornado safety (link suggested by Morgan & Murray Shaw)
Weather preparedness (link suggested by Claire Jenkins)
Safety driving in the rain (link suggested by Shara Idnay)
Emergency Preparedness at Home (link suggested by Stacey Martin and Amelia)
Severe Weather Preparedness (link suggested by Hannah Bass)
Storm spotting guide for homeowners (link suggested by Alex Campbell)